ISBN: 9781471829086nPublished: 30/04/2015 Inspire your teaching with a bank of ready-to-use resources and teaching ideas.nnBiology for the IB Diploma Teaching and Learning Resources provide a cost-effective bank of ready-made tools to support the IB Diploma, available any time, any where.nnWritten by a practising IB Diploma Biology teacher it will help you:n- Structure your teaching with adaptable schemes of work to save you timen- Keep your teaching fresh by using new approaches, interesting, up-to-date and real-life examplesn- Stretch students with extension material and activitiesn- Practical work is covered in the form of investigation sheets and questions, technician notes and links to practical videosn- Extensive image bank of artworks and diagrams from the textbookn- 60 animations and over 100 worksheets, including named practicals and drawing activitiesnnTeaching and Learning Resources offer:n- Time saving tools to streamline your planningn- Outstanding content and lessons for your VLEn- A simple way to integrate the trusted resources you’ve already created