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Chemistry for the IB Diploma Second Edition Student eTextbook

Chemistry for the IB Diploma Second Edition Student eTextbooknChristopher Talbot, Richard Harwood, Christopher CoatesnISBN: 9781471829246nPublished: 10/08/2015 Chemistry for the IB Diploma Second Edition Student eTextbooknImportant InformationnSubmit feedbacknSubmit reviewnQuick LinksnDownload Android Dynamic Reader AppnDownload iOS Dynamic Reader AppnDownload User GuidenChemistry for the IB Diploma Second Edition Student eTextbooknChristopher Talbot, Richard Harwood, Christopher CoatesnISBN: 9781471829246nPublished: 10/08/2015nShow prices for:nPERSONAL ACCOUNTnINSTITUTION ACCOUNTnSubscription optionsnMORE ABOUT FREE TRIALSnMORE ABOUT SUBSCRIPTIONSn30 day trialnFREEn1 Year AccessnQTYn0n£31nPER STUDENTnAdd to BasketnTOTALn£0.00n0 ITEMS SELECTEDn(ex VAT)*n* VAT may vary based on your location.nn nOther Editions:nPAPERBACK WHITEBOARD eTEXTBOOKnSummarynTime limited, downloadable access for your students.nProvide clear guidance to the 2014 changes and ensure in-depth study with accessible content,ndirectly mapped to the new syllabus and approach to learning.nThis second edition of the highly regarded textbook contains all the SL and HL content, which isnclearly identified throughout.nThe options are available free online or as part of the Teaching and Learning Resources.n- Improve exam performance, with plenty of questions, including past paper exam questionsn- Integrate Theory of Knowledge into your lessons and provide opportunities forncross-curriculum studyn- Offers a concept-based approach to learning and includes all key skills and experimentsnPraise for the First editionn”Goes into more depth in almost every topic and often answers questions that remain unanswered in the other course texts.”

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